
At times, this issue is considered more "cultural" and has significantly less thing to do with religion.
Comformity has become a dominant factor for those who not wearing hijab. At this point, if you are a type of person who really does care about finding a better way promoting the practice of wearing hijab, you should begin to realize that it doesn't help at all by yelling at their faces and say "wear hijab or go rot in hell, girl..!!". Approach sometimes can be so powerful that instead of wearing hijab, they will end up leaving it without even understand which verses in Quran stated the reason for hijab. To them, it is more like an act of oppressing those who not wearing hijab and claiming that they are unfaithful or "not Islamic". Leaving us with one big riddle regarding the issue. What to do?
Does authoritative instruction can be considered appropriate enough to educate people? In response, does it contradict to your whole purpose which is promoting the practice of wearing hijab? For some, pressure factor can be quite helpful. They started by accepting the fact that it is compulsory to wear hijab and it is not optional or some kind of recommended option, fear of the punishment and eventually it leads to permanent obedience. One common mistake is to judge that such directive way will always be aimed at encouraging Muslims women wearing hijab. What if we re wrong?
In different countries, people face different types of difficult situation. For Muslims in US, wearing hijab can sometimes interferes with daily activities. They were even treated as if they're terrorists. However, it is much easier to wear hijab in Malaysia, an Islamic country (although some might question about the implementation of hudud).
These days, I dont think the challenges they face are relevant enough compared to others around the globe. I just can't simply think, of what rational they're being so offended and think that they re oppressed when we start talking about hijab. Usually they will come up with reasons and excuses. People tend to search for something to back them up when they don't do what everyone requires them to do. Guilty conscious is what makes them explaining why they don't wear hijab. It makes perfect sense. Why should we explain our faith in God? If we believe in Him, we know that His laws are just perfect. Just because most people believe in something, that doesn't make it right. That doesn't strengthen any argument when it comes to whats divine and whats not. It is pointless to mold religion by misinterpreting the verses. We choose to be accepted by society but rejected by faith. But feeling guilty is actually a good start though. It is a sign that they can make a change.
From what I have seen, society somehow educates people. Suprizingly, it is true. We can see nowadays, new trend of wearing hijab in fashionable ways has been introduced. It gets popular that so many people started wearing hijab as a result of so called "fashion fever". Well, I think it is kinda brilliant and a good start for them. I like the idea of promoting hijab through fashion. There should be no problem as long as the fashion is appropriate, so to speak.
The bottom line is, forcing women to wear hijab through mental or emotional pressure can be devastating. It might work for some people. The best way is always to emphasize education and the need of wearing hijab in a humble manner, not by a harsh command.
Absolutely agree. If we give them more education and advice, somehow, Allah will open their heart and show them the right path. Insyaallah..Sepatutnya kita lebih banyak membantu, dan nasihat dengan lembut. Lama2 terbuka juga hati nanti.
emm..saye tak setuju dgn sesetengah yg tros jatuhkan hukuman sendiri sesuke hati ckp org masuk neraka.. udoh le cakap kasar2 pulak tu
x pakai tudung dah memng satu dosa sebb satu kewajipan..tpi menjatuhkan hukum sesuka hti.pun kire satu dosa.sebb dah kira fitnah kalau benda x betul.so fikirlah..huhu
hai awak! hehehe saje2 drop comment.
we must respect others even they are not wearing hijab because sometimes, people who are not wearing hijab are more sincere and polite. im not judge all people are same but we must respect their life and what we can do is just pray for them to wear hijab one day. :) InsyaAllah :)
salam. dulu time mai pernah blja kat matrix, ade ustaz bg tazkirah waktu kuliah subuh.. he talked about aurat etc.. yg paling mai igt, ustaz tu ckp, "walaupun anda nmpk pmpn tu tak bertudung, jgn la keji atau hina dy sbb dy tak menutup aurat, sbb kte tak tahu dlm hati dy mungkin dy dah berazam atau mempunyai keinginan untuk bertudung." so, mai rse instead of kte nk judge mereka psl aurat nie, ape kate kte mendoakan mereka agar satu hari nnti pintu hati dorg akan terbuka untuk bertudung.. insyaAllah.. :)
teaqah cukup pantang lau org tu biasa2 je dlm isu fiqh or usulfiqh..tp suke2 jatuh hukum mcm dia best..lg2 bila dia ade belajar mende baru..nk praktik la konon tp salah tempat..n sgt x suke tgk budak2 yg study agama cthnye kt mesir or mane2 ngra arab.suke-suki jatuhkan hukum n kritik pmpn yg x pkai tudung seolah2 yg xpkai tudung ni jahat sgt2...dorg nk tgor.itu mmg bagus tp jgn la kritik melampau2..org mcm ni pun,belom tentu solat 5waktu dia diterima..igt...langit ade 7lapis..amalan kite seblom diterima,kene tapis kat setiap malaikat yg ade kt 7lapis langit ni..KITA JANGAN RIAK DENGAN ILMU YANG KITA ADA..gunakan sebaik mungkin....bila riak ade dalam hati..akan timbol 1perasaan laen iaitu sombong..maka MELOMPAT KEGEMBIRAAN LA SYAITAN YG DIREJAM...wallahu'alam..^_^
(teremosi pulak)
Ain: tau xpe.. approach yg salah ssh gak..
reen: hai..heheh..mekasehh singgah..
cx: insyaAllah.. :)
maiza: tu la yg sesetengah org xnampak..ramai je sebenarnye org nak start n ade niat nak pakai tudung.. baru nak pakai tetibe ade orang jatuhkan hukuman..tak ke down nanti..
teaqah: tuuu diaa.. hamekk skali ustazah kasi ceramah..hehe. yup2.. nampak ramai gak yg suke jatuhkan hukuman..tapi tak semua la.. yg kes diorg terlibat ngan politik pun satu hal gak..hahah. dah sponsor tetibe nak menentang..pergghh.. memang nak kene sekeh kpale
menutup aurat @ membalut aurat?
akur perintah Allah @ hamba fesyen?
boleh dipanjangkan tajuk ni kan :)
InsyaAllah jadi iktibat untuk que jugak.
jemput singgah my blog, ade poem best by Showkat Ali.
Queen Q: tamadun rom x dibina dalam masa sehari..camtu gak pendekatan kepada mereka yang baru nak memakai tudung ni :) kesudahan yang positif yg kite nak..hehe.. terjah japp :D
hye there...yup not all freehair women to jahat...FYI...i still virgin (until now) ..and 1 of my friend's friend hilang her virgin while she still belajar kat UIA...can u imagine??
..beriman atau tidak sendiri yang tahu..
tp fesyen yg melampaui batas sehingga tak mengikut batasan yg ditetapkan pun payah gak....islam kan mudah....satu tudung yg boleh diguna pakai dan ditelan arus zaman tudung plain tuh....kdg2 lau pakai tudung gaya ni la...tu la...still ternampak juga....kdg2 rasa takut lak nak berfesyen...yela semata2 nak nmpk cantek kat dunia...kat akhirat t lak ne trima azab....einz tak ckp pd owg lain...lebih pd mengingatkan diri sendiri.....
sy percaya pd pepatah "lentur buluh biarlah dari rebungnye" kalo dah keras tak guna marah paksa suh pakai tudung .. sume tu tak tan menjadi... dlm campus pakai kuar je asal lepas pak guard tudung dah ke mana...
tepuk dada tanya iman... >__<
wah,...tak suke title ustazah sbb masih tak mampu nak bwa perwatakan mcm tu..tp cukup la sekadar perkongsian ilmu yg mana kite boleh share...
bila ade org da pkai tudung..pakat p sindir(ptotnye kite doa spya dia terus kekal mcm tu)..ni jawapan dia utk spesies mcm ni..mintak penampar je ngan teaqah..biaq dia sedar sikit..diri tu x bape betul...sibuk nak menyindir...
admit yg hidayah tu kite kene cari..tp kite kene admit lau ALLAH nak bg pada sape yg dia pilih..mcm baru2 ni..isu fazura nk pakai tudung..kene hentam dgn budak2 yg belajar kt tmpt yg dia belakon cite tahajud cinta..ape kes mcm tu??itu ke ciri bakal2 ustaz dan ustazah yg akan mendidik bangsa???1jari tuding ke org..3lg kat diri sendiri..tak malu nagn tuhan ke???
Ali : Awak puasa?
Minah : Yela..
Ali : Kenapa awak puasa?
Minah : Bodohnya awak..kan ALLAH suruh puasa, saya puasa la..
Ali : Kenapa tak tutup aurat?
......Minah : Eh, suka hati sayala..hak masing2..
Ali : Owh..tp kan ALLAH yg suruh kita tutup aurat
Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda yang maksudnya: “Berapa banyak orang yang berpuasa tetapi dia tidak mendapat apa-apa dari puasanya kecuali hanya lapar dan dahaga. [Riwayat Ibnu Majah] ...sElaMat B'aMal......(^_^)
***baca entry ni teringat kat status fb kwn.just utk kongsi jer.
Pkailah Pkaian Yg Menutup Aurat Dan Cantik, Tetapi Sbaik2 Pkaian Adalah Pkaian Takwa... ~Tuhan Kata~
Rasanya Yg Xmnutup Aurat Ni Brtakwa Ke? Xpayah Jwb Xpe... Pikior Pkai Otak Yg Tuhan Bg... Jgn Jd Manusia Kufur. Ucapan Blum Smpai Seru Itu Zalim Dari Seorg Hamba. Mnutup Aurat Itu Wajib.. Ada paham? Xwat Mende Wajib Ni Dose Beso Sedare-Sedari. Bodo Kate UAI. Nk Debat Lbh2 Korg Tggu Msuk Kubur Nnt Korg Debat La Puas2 Yek.. Mati Bkn Kire Umo.
Pkailah Pkaian Yg Mnutup Aurat & Cantik, Tapi Sbaik2 Pkaian Adalah Pkaian Takwa. ~Tuhan Kata~
Klau Xmnutup Aurat Tu Takwa Ke? Adoiyai.. Islam Itu Wajib Mnutup Aurat. Nk Debat Lbh2 Tggu Dlm Kubur Nnt, Tugas Aku Sbagai Sedare Islam Dah Slesai. Agama Xmemerlukan Korg Pun, Korg Yg Memerlukan Agama. Otak Ade Kan... Kome Pikior Le... Jgn Jd Hamba Yg Kufur
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