assignment econs + project plan + log book + packing ---> midwest
time midwest lak: study utk test math ngan midterm econs + main bola kalo kene turun.
adess.. apsal la byk pulak tasks time2 nk memblahkan diri nih..
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Monday, May 24, 2010
Setelah bertungkus-lumus promote gambar musang utk contest kat fb, akhirnye menang gak..
Hmm..Act secara jujurnye aku nampak banyak lagi gamba yg 10 kali ganda lg gempak dr pic musang tu tp almaklumlah, contest ni judge winner based on bilangan "likes"..sape promote lg byk , die la menang..
Tp, lepas je website tu umumkan yg pic aku johan, aku dpt byk feedback dr komen2 org yg like page tu.. 71ribu org yg like page tu.. Dr banyak2 org yg komen, sorang je bagi feedback jujur iaitu pic tu xde la bagus mane..btol gak..Tp yg lain sume bg feedback yg amat menggalakkan..Sampaikan aku terime banyak congrats dlm private message dr org2 yg aku xkenal..
Yang amat aku xsangke skali ialah ade seorang perempuan ni mintak pic file original musang tu dari aku semata-mata nak framekan kat living room dlm rumah die.. Sampai skang aku xbalas lg email die sbb xtau nak respon cmne.. Aini ckp letak copyright..Tgk la..psni aku bg kot..xkesah la kalo ade possibility die nk tipu aku ke n ckp pic tu die yg amek pd admin website photography.. Yg penting aku enjoy snap..
Lepas aku menang tu byk tol org2 dr page photography nak add aku ignore byk..
Pastu ade la pulak tag request kat pic musang tu..
Sebenarnye niat aku awal2 nak masuk contest tu dan menang hanyelah sbb aku nak share flickr aku ngan org2 lain..Bile da menang, diorg akan recognize dan aku boleh la nak share ngan diorg..
So, conclusionnye.., aku pon xtau la ape spesel sgt ngan pic musang tu.. Yg pastinye aku suke gaya elegant musang tu dan cube dapatkan composition yg terbaik serta sharpness yg memuaskan.. Snap pour lame..
Hmm..Act secara jujurnye aku nampak banyak lagi gamba yg 10 kali ganda lg gempak dr pic musang tu tp almaklumlah, contest ni judge winner based on bilangan "likes"..sape promote lg byk , die la menang..
Tp, lepas je website tu umumkan yg pic aku johan, aku dpt byk feedback dr komen2 org yg like page tu.. 71ribu org yg like page tu.. Dr banyak2 org yg komen, sorang je bagi feedback jujur iaitu pic tu xde la bagus mane..btol gak..Tp yg lain sume bg feedback yg amat menggalakkan..Sampaikan aku terime banyak congrats dlm private message dr org2 yg aku xkenal..
Yang amat aku xsangke skali ialah ade seorang perempuan ni mintak pic file original musang tu dari aku semata-mata nak framekan kat living room dlm rumah die.. Sampai skang aku xbalas lg email die sbb xtau nak respon cmne.. Aini ckp letak copyright..Tgk la..psni aku bg kot..xkesah la kalo ade possibility die nk tipu aku ke n ckp pic tu die yg amek pd admin website photography.. Yg penting aku enjoy snap..
Lepas aku menang tu byk tol org2 dr page photography nak add aku ignore byk..
Pastu ade la pulak tag request kat pic musang tu..
Sebenarnye niat aku awal2 nak masuk contest tu dan menang hanyelah sbb aku nak share flickr aku ngan org2 lain..Bile da menang, diorg akan recognize dan aku boleh la nak share ngan diorg..
So, conclusionnye.., aku pon xtau la ape spesel sgt ngan pic musang tu.. Yg pastinye aku suke gaya elegant musang tu dan cube dapatkan composition yg terbaik serta sharpness yg memuaskan.. Snap pour lame..

Thursday, May 20, 2010
contest senyuman paling menawan :D
terase nk join plak contest nie..
dh la tarikh ttp dye arini
sile follow beliau:
syarat penyertaan nye mudah saje..
1:contest nie terbuka tuk semua peringkat umur.
2:1 gambar je( GAMBAR ANDA)...sape masukkan lebih2 otomatik akan di rejek oleh ai...*hahhahahha gelak jaat*
3:gambar mestilah senyum yang memang ikhlas.....senyum lebar 2 da max... =)
4:gambar BERSEORANGAN..... (kalau atok nenek nk join tgu next contest k)
5:mestilah menjadi follower miss chentazetty
6:sediakan entri khas contest ini dalam blog u all n link kan kepada ai...
7:senangkan????? jgn lupe tag kan kawan2 anda minimum 4org...(kalau follower anda xramai boleh di maapkan..) make sure org anda tag 2 tau bahawa dia telah di tag kalau xnk kena saman.. (jgn woo skng semua stok saman2 je)
xpayah u alls nak peningkan kepala....syarat2 senang je.... tunggu ape lagi... tarikh penyertaan tutup pada...jeng jeng jeng..... 20 mei 2010..
ini adalah gamba sy

sbb knape suka senyum:
saye suke senyum sebab hidup saya hepi :D
mari tag mengetag pula
4.Nadzirah Ridzuan
dh la tarikh ttp dye arini
sile follow beliau:
syarat penyertaan nye mudah saje..
1:contest nie terbuka tuk semua peringkat umur.
2:1 gambar je( GAMBAR ANDA)...sape masukkan lebih2 otomatik akan di rejek oleh ai...*hahhahahha gelak jaat*
3:gambar mestilah senyum yang memang ikhlas.....senyum lebar 2 da max... =)
4:gambar BERSEORANGAN..... (kalau atok nenek nk join tgu next contest k)
5:mestilah menjadi follower miss chentazetty
6:sediakan entri khas contest ini dalam blog u all n link kan kepada ai...
7:senangkan????? jgn lupe tag kan kawan2 anda minimum 4org...(kalau follower anda xramai boleh di maapkan..) make sure org anda tag 2 tau bahawa dia telah di tag kalau xnk kena saman.. (jgn woo skng semua stok saman2 je)
xpayah u alls nak peningkan kepala....syarat2 senang je.... tunggu ape lagi... tarikh penyertaan tutup pada...jeng jeng jeng..... 20 mei 2010..
ini adalah gamba sy

sbb knape suka senyum:
saye suke senyum sebab hidup saya hepi :D
mari tag mengetag pula
4.Nadzirah Ridzuan
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Silent mode..
I'd rather listen to something not worth hearing if that keeps me away from no longer be able to justify the truth in whats worth hearing..
In the end we are all separate our stories, no matter how similar, come to a fork and diverge. We are drawn to each other because of our similarities but it is our differences we must learn to respect.
In the end we are all separate our stories, no matter how similar, come to a fork and diverge. We are drawn to each other because of our similarities but it is our differences we must learn to respect.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Lame dah jadik draft
Terjumpe gambar2 scenery yg cantik dr satu flickr photostream sorang mamat nih..
Pelik sbb pic2 die sume almost unrealistic but xgune tonemap hdr lgsung..
Dgn account pro flickr, aku try detect segala info yg ade kt properties pic tu serta indirect description ringkas yg die bg.. I wonder how he did that..
Found out that it is something beyond our eyes capability..
iaitu detect cahaya dlm kegelapan dgn mengawal masa sensor terbukak yg memberi kesan "merekod" cahaya..
I took this pic at 10pm (mmg gelap cm malam) using 30 seconds shutter speed, ISO 200
exposure 5.0, bracketting : 3 sets of jpeg file with 2.0EV spacing..
I used only 2 of them, blended manually by merging both to hdr n set back to 8 bit file from 32bit.. i did play with some highlight, midtones and shadows adjustment..
n walla! Somehow i think its better than tonemapped hdr..
Akan mencuba lagi pic jenis cmnih next time..

Pelik sbb pic2 die sume almost unrealistic but xgune tonemap hdr lgsung..
Dgn account pro flickr, aku try detect segala info yg ade kt properties pic tu serta indirect description ringkas yg die bg.. I wonder how he did that..
Found out that it is something beyond our eyes capability..
iaitu detect cahaya dlm kegelapan dgn mengawal masa sensor terbukak yg memberi kesan "merekod" cahaya..
I took this pic at 10pm (mmg gelap cm malam) using 30 seconds shutter speed, ISO 200
exposure 5.0, bracketting : 3 sets of jpeg file with 2.0EV spacing..
I used only 2 of them, blended manually by merging both to hdr n set back to 8 bit file from 32bit.. i did play with some highlight, midtones and shadows adjustment..
n walla! Somehow i think its better than tonemapped hdr..
Akan mencuba lagi pic jenis cmnih next time..

Monday, May 3, 2010
Dead star shine
Light up the sky
I'm all out of breath
My walls are closing in
Days go by
Give me a sign
Come back to the end
The shepherd of the damned
I can feel you falling away
No longer the lost
No longer the same
And I can see you starting to break
I'll keep you alive
If you show me the way
Forever - and ever
the scars will remain
I'm falling apart
Leave me here forever in the dark
Daylight dies
Blackout the sky
Does anyone care?
Is anybody there?
Take this life
Empty inside
I'm already dead
I'll rise to fall again
I can feel you falling away
No longer the lost
No longer the same
And I can see you starting to break
I'll keep you alive
If you show me the way
Forever - and ever
the scars will remain
I'm falling apart
Leave me here forever in the dark
God help me I've come undone
Out of the light of the sun
God help me I've come undone
Out of the light of the sun
I can feel you falling away
No longer the lost
No longer the same
And I can see you starting to break
I'll keep you alive
If you show me the way
Forever - and ever
the scars will remain
Give me a sign
There's something buried in the words
Give me a sign
Your tears are adding to the flood
Just give me a sign
there's something buried in the words
Give me a sign
Your tears are adding to the flood
Just give me a sign
There's something buried in the words
Give me a sign
Your tears are adding to the flood
Forever - and ever
the scars will remain
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