In Surah An-Nahl of the Quran,
Allah sent down the Quran which might explain everything. So it might explain
strange things when the Caliphate disappears and replaced by modern secular
state. For a period of time, there is no Caliphate. In the Quran, there is
guidance on how to respond when Caliphate no longer be there. The explanation
and guidance comes from Allah as an act of rahmat. And for those who search,
and find it, and accepted it, and embrace it; good news for them. They will
understand the world that day which others cannot And they will respond to it
while others cannot.
The caliphate was
Who destroy it?
Why did they destroy
How did they destroy
When did they
destroy it?
These are awesomely important questions which very few can
answer today.
The Jews (not all Jews) had in their heart and they still have it to this
day, this conviction that it is their destiny even after Allah SWT had expelled
them from the holy land, even after they have lived in wilderness for 2000
years; it is a conviction in the heart of the Jews that it is their destiny to
liberate the Holy Land, and return to the Holy Land not as tourists, but to
reclaim it as their own. For 2000 years the Jews had this conviction in their
heart. One day, this will happen; to restore the Holy Land as the state of
Israel of Nabi Daud Alaihissalam and Nabi Sulaiman Alaihissalam. And the Golden
Age will come back one more time, when the state of Israel was the ruling state
in the world.
First, they will
need globalization to bring all mankind together as one global society.
They also need to
demolish the Ottoman Islamic Empire which stands in their way.
And they will have
to demolish the institution of the Caliphate which is the HEAD of Islam.
Because if you can cut off the head, you can paralyze the body.
So, the attack is launched to cut off the head of
Caliphate. It begins as a philosophical attack. You use an epistemolgy; that knowledge
only comes from external observation and rational inquiry to take mankind to
materialism, that there is no reality beyond material reality.
What does it say?
Since there is no reality beyond material reality, we can
no longer collectively recognize sovereignty up there. So sovereignty must now
be relocated down here. The people are now sovereign, no longer Allah SWT.
The people constitute the state and they located the sovereignty
in the state. So, the state is sovereign.
This is a European creation. It did not come out of the
world of Islam. Not only the state is sovereign, but the authority of the state
is supreme. It is now, the state which makes the law, and the law of the state
is the highest law. More than that, they legalized what Allah makes haram. That
is what Europe proceeded to do. Everything that Allah made haram, they make it
halal. There is nothing left now.
To be continued..
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