
Monday, November 26, 2012

Main Salji Percuma | Cepat Sebelum Terlambat

Tengok-tengok status kat facebook, salji dah start turun kat Ottawa gamaknye..

Aku rasa, salah satu pembaziran yang aku terpaksa hadapi selepas balik ke Msia ialah:

 Skill ski yang aku asah selama 4 tahun akan pudar begitu sahaja. 4 tahun aku amek masa untuk sampai ke "extreme" track.. Tapi nak wat camno.. Takkan nak ski kat federal highway pulak.. Kene saman satu hal.., kene cop gila boleh mengaibkan keluarga..

*dulu kutuk salji, skang rindu pulak.. haihh

P/s: Title tu saje je nak bagi catchy..

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Israel Vs Iran | Apa Akan Terjadi Selepas Itu?

War on Iran would certainly affect the price of oil and that, in turn, could function as the catalyst that would cause the rapid meltdown of the fraudulent US dollar, and culminate with USA losing its dominant position as the ruling state in the world. In a surprise of all surprises, Israel could then replace USA as the new ruling state in the world, while controlling the new electronic money-system of the world that would then totally replace paper-money.

It is certain that an attack on Iran would result in an instantaneous and dramatic rise in oil prices as well as the price of gold. Few people seem to realize that when the price of gold ‘goes up” it actually amounts to the value of the US dollar ‘going down’. In September 1971 the US government, having solemnly pledged its word, reneged and scrapped the Breton Woods Accord. Britain had acted in September 1971 in accordance with her rights under the Breton Woods Accord in demanding that the US government redeem for gold (at $35 per ounce of gold) a few billion dollars of British-held US dollars. USA was legally obliged to do so under international law, but did not have the gold to redeem all the dollars it had printed and put in circulation both domestically and overseas. That was fraudulent. It could have led to war. But all that happened was that US simply broke her word, reneged from her treaty obligations and scrapped the Breton Woods Accord.
The value of the US dollar has been generally based since then on market demand around the world. Specifically, however, the US dollar has kept its strength because of imperial America’s control over its oil-exporting client-states, insisting that the dollar must be the currency used for the purchase of oil.
USA was devious enough to get the world to accept that it could take any amount of paper and make money with it, and so long as mankind accepted that paper-money, and there was demand for it, USA did not have to worry about where it would find the money to pay for imports, goods, services, etc. It would simply print the paper. But USA ensured that there would be a substantial and significant demand for US paper dollars by imposing upon oil exporting countries the obligation to sell their oil for that US paper-money. The result was that the demand for US dollars remained forever strong, indeed stronger by far than the demand for any other paper money.
But war on Iran would certainly disrupt oil and gas exports from that country and could, conceivably, also result in a shut-down of the strategic Straits of Hormuz through which tankers laden with Gulf oil must pass to get to the open seas.
Twenty-five to forty percent of the world’s oil trade passes through the Straits of Hormuz, which connects the Persian Gulf to the Indian Ocean. If Iran were to carry out such a threat, other big oil producers in the region, such as the United Arab Emirates and Kuwait, would be unable to export oil to Japan, China and the rest of the world.
Oil prices could conceivably increase to $200 a barrel or more, and as the price of gold also escalates as it did in January 1980 ($850 an oz.) the US dollar would so lose value as to become a very significant liability. If some Central Banks and large corporations respond to the falling value of the dollar by turning away from the US dollar in search of a more stable currency which could store value with greater reliability, and if the proposed Iranian oil bourse succeeds in offering an alternative to the dollar for the purchase of oil, this would have disastrous consequences for the dollar. If the US dollar loses its present status as the international currency, such a collapse would bring down with it all the paper money in the world. It would also mark the end of the era of American dominance over the rest of the world as the ruling state. Such would be an entirely positive development for an Israel that is just biding its time to replace USA as the third and last ruling state in history.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Update Info Keadaan Di Palestine / Palestin

Bagi yang ingin mengetahui keadaan di Palestine dari semasa ke semasa, boleh click kat link dibawah:

Palestinian Centre For Human Rights

dan juga 

Activists around the world for Palestine


Thursday, November 15, 2012


Salam maal hijrah..

Sedar tak sedar aku dah cuti 8 hari since Khamis lepas.. Kegembiraan tatkala cuti bermula memang tak dapat nak digambarkan dengan kata-kata (dari dulu aku confuse dengan kenyataan sebegini..dah memang kata-kata cuma mengeluarkan ayat yang berbentuk bunyi je..,memang la tak dapat nak gambarkan.. Ingat Polaroid ke boleh keluar-keluar gambar..)

Waktu 1st day cuti, senyum memang literally sampai telinga, mata terpejam.. Aku balik dari Shah Alam ke Bangi driving guna mata hati je tengok jalan.. Nak scan Touch n Go kat plaza tol pun senyum-senyum macam orag gila.


Aku baru sedar esok ade Safety Induction..


Aku tensi sungguh.. Awat la diorang tak bawak je sesi tu minggu depan.. Patutnye aku boleh cuti straight 10 hari tanpa gangguan.. Maka malam ni aku terpaksa bertungkus-lumus kemas barang bawak balik gi Shah Alam. Disebabkan Isnin start balik sesi baru Piping Design, aku decide untuk stay terus Shah Alam sampai next week..

Ni semua gara-gara Safety Induction punye sesi tu..

*camni la perasaan aku sekarang

Anyways, sempena maal hijrah ni mari sama-sama kita doakan saudara-saudara kita yang berada di Palestine sekarang. Keadaan skang memang agak teruk di Gaza.. Doakan kemenangan buat Islam.

P/s: tak sabar nak buka.. sup campur utara cam nice.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Cara Menaikkan Berat Badan

Cara menambah berat badan, tips menaikkan berat badan.

Straight to the point, masalah utama orang yang kurang berat badan adalah kurangnya disiplin.

By definition, kurang berat badan ialah apabila BMI korang jatuh bawah skala normal iaitu kurang daripada 18.5. (Sila tanya Encik Google untuk cara kira BMI)

Dengan erti kata lain, korang boleh dikategorikan sebagai adik-beradik papan lapis apabila mempunyai BMI sedemikian rupa. Pelbagai alasan yang golongan ni boleh bagi apabila isu ni ditimbulkan. Antaranya termasuklah:

1) "Aku dah makan banyak gile sampai nak muntah dah.. Tapi tak naik-naik gak berat badan."

2) "Dah genetik aku memang kurus camni.. Tak boleh buat apa."

Di sini, aku ingin tekankan alasan pertama yang ditunjukkan di atas. Mungkin korang rase korang dah makan banyak gile, tapi itu ialah judgement perut korang semata-mata.

Sebenarnya, kunci kepada kenaikan berat badan ialah jumlah kalori dan zat yang korang consume setiap hari. Dan ya, kita mempunyai formula untuk kira berapa banyak kalori yang diperlukan  setiap hari untuk tambah berat badan berdasarkan faktor berat asal, tinggi, umur dan jantina.

Jumlah kalori yang korang perlukan setiap hari boleh dikira menggunakan formula Mifflin-St Jeor untuk mengira Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) korang.

RMR = 9.99w + 6.25s - 4.92a + 166g - 161

  • w = berat anda dalam kilogram

  • s = tinggi anda dalam sentimeter

  • a = umur anda dalam tahun

  • g = jantina anda (1 untuk lelaki, 0 untuk perempuan)

  • Jumlah kalori yang anda perlukan untuk maintain berat anda sekarang ni ialah RMR x 1.15.

    So, kalau nak tambah berat, kene la make sure korang consume kalori lebih daripada jumlah tersebut; at least 300-500 kalori lebih daripada jumlah tersebut. Sekali makan nasik 3 senduk besar bersama lauk ayam mungkin boleh bagi dalam 400-500 kalori.

    Aku dah cuba formula ni dan berjaya tambah berat badan sebanyak 5kg dalam masa 3 minggu. Apa yang diperlukan hanyalah "real food" dan "disiplin". Kalau korang makan 100 botol pringles setiap hari sampai muntah pun belum tentu boleh tambah berat. Sebaiknya makanlah nasik, ayam, telur dan segala jenis sumber protein dan kanji yang berkhasiat. Avoid makanan tak berkhasiat seperti jajan dan cikedis. Aku amalkan konsep "makan setiap masa" dimana kalau aku takde keje, aku makan buah-buahan, roti , soup, telur separuh masak etc. Meal berat 1 hari 3 kali kene jaga especially breakfast. Disamping tu aku amek supplement protein sbb aku buat intense workout kat gym (ni aku tak sarankan sangat sebab ada long term side effect)

    Sakit hati digelar "ikan bilis"? Sudah muak diejek "plywood"?

    Lakukan perubahan. Anda mampu mengubahnya.

    Shah Alam Seksyen 7 | Restoran Pilihanku

    Sejak aku sewa rumah kat sini, boleh dikatakan hidup aku hari-hari macam dalam cite "jalan-jalan cari makan".

    Almaklumlah, tempat student..Nama pun Seksyen 7..,student2 UITM Shah Alam ngan Unisel semua kebanyakannya bertapak kat sini. Maka banyaklah restoran-restoran yang best-best dibuka kat sini.

    Antara yang terfofular termasuklah:

    1. Restoran Barra

    Restoran ni popular sebab ayam bara dia. Pada aku ayam bara ni rasa cam ayam goreng biasa yg digoreng dengan rempah kari megi jek. Tp not bad la.. Lagi satu yg best, dia bagi makanan free kat mane-mane pelanggan yg kene "barrarized". Tapi so far aku xpernah kene lagi..  Satu mende yg aku xpuas hati ialah mamak kat sana bukan main kerek lagi. Aku pindah meja, siap kene sound sebab tak bagitau dia. Memang makan sound aku balik le mamak tu. Customers always right..

    2. Ani Sup Utara

    Ni aku takleh nak describe.. Sup ekor makan dengan nasik cecah sambal belacan n letak telur masin = heaven.

    3. Burger Yazid

    Bila aku datang kat kedai ni, tiba-tiba aku menjadi seorang lelaki yang mempunyai misi dan visi besar dalam hidup.. Misi tersebut ialah untuk menghabiskan burger sekilo aka burger gergasi sampai licin seorang diri. Burger sekilo tu memang bapak besar. Nak tengok besar dia camne?

    Hamek kau.. Kalau lempar kat kepala, boleh kene concussion..

    4. Nasik Arab

    Kedai ni bersebelahan dengan kedai burger gergasi tu. Aku prefer makan kat kedai ni lepas habis main futsal sewaktu tengah lapar beruk.
    *bile lapar tahap beruk, marilah kita makan meal untuk 3 orang..

    Sebenarnya banyak lagi kedai2 yg best sekitar Shah Alam ni.. Ie: nasik kandar pelita sebelah masjid negeri,. Sotong goreng kat situ memang mantop.. Luar rangup cam jalan tar, dalam kenyal macam gule-gule yupi.

    Anyways.. Selamat menjamu selera..

    Monday, November 5, 2012

    Masalah Duit | 5/11/2012

    Esok cuti.

    After that, cuti panjang  start Jumaat 9 November sampai minggu depan.

    Cuti ni datang memang tepat pada waktunya.. Macam tau-tau je aku tengah pokai. At least kalau cuti, aku boleh balik rumah. So, expenses makan/minyak kat Shah Alam ni dapat dikurangkan pada skala yg meletakkan aku luar daripada kategori "papa kedana".

    Zaman dulu takde pun aku merasa kesesakan hidup yang sebegini rupa.. A sampai Z parents tanggung.. Hidup hari-hari penuh dengan senyuman..Tenung bunga pun, boleh berkembang mekar bunga tu.
    Skang bile dah keje, kene bayar duit sewa rumah, bayar kete, segala bil kejadah dan sebagainya..,tenuk pandang muke kite pun boleh jadi stress tak lalu nak hidup ..Habis moral down flora dan fauna. Sesesak-sesak federal highway tetiap hari pukul 8 pagi, sesak lagi hidup aku dikala gaji tak masuk lagi.

    Camne aku nak beli Lamborghini kalau asyik sesak camni?

    *biar sesak, janji boleh posing macho..

    Wednesday, October 31, 2012

    Siapa Pemain Catur/Chess Nombor 1 Dunia Sekarang?

    Magnus Carlsen ( 30 Nov. 1990) adalah pemain nombor 1 dunia sekarang. Beliau memegang title Grandmaster pada usia seawal 13 tahun. Beliau merupakan antara sebab Garry Kasparov (pemain no 1 dunia selama 20 tahun), pencen dari dunia Chess apabila bertemu Carlsen yg pada ketika itu berumur 13 tahun, dan keputusan game tersebut ialah "draw"

    Mamat ni orang Norway.. Tactical permainan mmg sangat gempak dan bersifat offensive. Kepada sesape yg tertanya-tanya pendapatan seorang player chess ni, sekali menang satu kejohanan, sejuta pound masuk poket. Naib johan setengah juta pound. Carlsen ni umur baru 22 (cam aku jek) tapi dah jutawan.. Kan bagus kalau bapak aku train aku main chess dari baby lagi..

    P/s: Sesape berminat nk tgk analysis penuh game2 chess yg bertaraf grandmaster, boleh gi kat youtube channel ChessNetwork dan SeanGgodley.. Analysis diorg mmg superb..

    Tuesday, October 16, 2012

    Apa perasaan wanita kalau dapat husband camni..?

    1. Call isteri time waktu keje sebab nak cakap rindu.

    2. Hug atau peluk isteri secara tiba-tiba.

    3. Puji isteri cantik.

    4. Bergurau senda dengan isteri time baru balik keje.

    5. Kemas rumah atau masak bersama isteri kat dapur.

    6. Urut bahu atau picit kepala isteri dengan sukarela time tengah santai-
    santai duduk kat sofa sambil tengok TV

    7. Tolak stroller baby atau dukung anak time shopping bersama isteri.

    8. Berada disisi isteri time isteri melahirkan anak.

    9. Sanggup bangun pagi dan masak breakfast untuk isteri.

    10. Belanja isteri pergi shopping sakan dengan ikhlas dan gembira.

    11. Bagi hadiah atau bunga kat isteri walaupun bukan pada hari
    anniversary ataupun birthday.

    12. Dengar luahan isteri time isteri tengah sedih akibat PMS sambil bagi
    kata-kata semangat.

    13. Rajin solat berjemaah bersama isteri dan cenderung mengajak isteri
    lebih dekat dengan Allah.

    Wednesday, September 26, 2012

    Dapat Visitor Walaupun Blog Ditinggalkan

    Seperti yang aku jangka, blog ni memang dah ketandusan seperti  gurun Ramlat al-Sab'atayn. Tapi tak sangka pulak bile check kat Nuffnang, ade lagi visitors yang masuk tak banyak beza jumlahnya compared to sewaktu giat menaip dahulu.

    Average aku bukak sekarang ni ialah 2 minggu 1 kali jek. 

    Apa2 pun, kepada yg sudi tertanya-tanya dimana hilangnya Ashraf Jalil (ingat artis ke hape.. puihhh.. lempang muke dengan ayam golek barutau..), aku sebenarnya dah dapat menjejakkan kaki dalam Oil n Gas industry. Alhamdulillah...
    For the time being, aku sedang mengikuti program HIT-RSE (High Income Talent Research Scientist Engineer) dalam Piping Design. Program ni adalah co-operative venture antara goverment yg diwakili oleh SHRDC dan company oil n gas dari France iaitu Technip dimana akan menjadi company tempat aku bekerja nanti.

    Kontrak yang aku tandatangani memerlukan aku untuk menghabiskan program ni dalam masa 8 bulan dan seterusnya diikat untuk bekerja dengan Technip sebagai full time engineer selama setahun sebelum aku boleh memperbaharui kontrak atau buat apa-apa keputusan lain.

    Aku juga dapat merasakan aura-aura beban yang bakal menghempap minda dan fizikal selepas ini. Justeru, blog ini juga bakal hilang kasih sayang dari tuannya.

    Akhir kata, entry ni just untuk notify kawan-kawan yg sudi jenguk2 blog ni..

    P/s: aku dah addicted dengan youtube. FB sekarang sampah..

    Sunday, August 26, 2012

    Friday, July 13, 2012

    Career Fair di Universiti Teknologi Petronas (UTP)

    Dua hari lepas iaitu pada tarikh 11 July 2012, satu event career fair telah diadakan di Universiti Teknologi Petronas. Pada aku, career fair tersebut tersangatlah berbaloi untuk dihadiri memandangkan exhibitors yang datang kebanyakannya terdiri daripada syarikat gergasi dalam Oil and Gas industry.

    Antara company-company yang turut hadir termasuklah Schlumberger, Halliburton, Technip, Sapura Kenchana, Shell, dan tak lupa jugak Petronas.

    Career fair sebegini bukan setakat bagi peluang untuk aku drop resume, tapi membuka mata dan minda aku serta memberi exposure tentang kerjaya dalam Oil and Gas industry.

    Banyak info yang best yang aku dapat kat setiap booth yang aku pergi kecuali booth Schlumberger. Staff diorang tersangatlah kerek serta suka memperlekehkan graduate students yang datang kat booth diorang untuk tanya soalan. Mentang-mentang le company besar..

    Antara info best yang aku dengar ialah comparison antara Schlumberger dengan Sapura Acergy dari aspek gaji. Info ni aku dengar masa lepak kat booth Sapura Acergy. Kakak staff tu bagitau aku if bekerja dengan Schlumberger, engineers akan bekerja bagai nak mati 24/7 dengan gadi maksimum 7k untuk fresh graduates. If dengan Sapura Acergy, basic gaji ialah 3k. Tetapi untuk offshore, akan dikira +RM200 per day. Bermakna gaji dalam masa sebulan boleh mencecah 9k kalau bekerja dengan Sapura Acergy. Time dengar info pasal gaji tu, mata hitam aku tak semena-mena bertukar menjadi simbol "$".

    Masa kat booth Petronas, aku juga dapat banyak info pasal Projek Iskandar Petronas Rapid kat Pengerang Johor. Aku memang dari dulu nak sangat involve dalam project ni. Jadi kuli pun aku sanggup sebab aku rasa experience is priceless. Siapa la taknak peluang join projek pelantar minyak lagi besar dari Kerteh dan bernilai RM60 billion. Yang paling best time kat booth ni, kakak kat booth tu tick "RAPID" kat atas resume aku bile aku menyatakan yang aku interested untuk direcruit untuk Projek Pengerang Rapid tersebut.

    Tak lupa juga career talk daripada Halliburton; talk tersebut sangat best sebab staff diorang sangat humble dan info yang diorang sampaikan sangat membuatkan aku rasa nak keje ngan diorang.

    Bagi mereka yang baru graduate, aku sarankan untuk register nama bawah TalentCorp dan Leader's (Leader Series) sebab diorang bertugas untuk tolong fresh graduates dapatkan keje. Target Leader's ialan untuk provide peluang pekerjaan kepada fresh graduates dalam masa 6 bulan after graduate kalau tak silap aku.

    Apa-apa pun, event career fair ni rasanya diadakan setiap tahun.. So, kepada yang bakal graduate (especially yang major in Engineering), datang jangan tak datang..

    Wednesday, June 20, 2012

    Tips dan Cara Tambah Berat Badan

    Straight to the point, masalah utama orang yang kurang berat badan adalah kurangnya disiplin.
    By definition, kurang berat badan ialah apabila BMI korang jatuh bawah skala normal iaitu kurang daripada 18.5. (Sila tanya Encik Google untuk cara kira BMI)

    Dengan erti kata lain, korang boleh dikategorikan sebagai adik-beradik papan lapis apabila mempunyai BMI sedemikian rupa. Pelbagai alasan yang golongan ni boleh bagi apabila isu ni ditimbulkan. Antaranya termasuklah:

    1) "Aku dah makan banyak gile sampai nak muntah dah.. Tapi tak naik-naik gak berat badan."
    2) "Dah genetik aku memang kurus camni.. Tak boleh buat apa."

    Di sini, aku ingin tekankan alasan pertama yang ditunjukkan di atas. Mungkin korang rase korang dah makan banyak gile, tapi itu ialah judgement perut korang semata-mata. 

    Sebenarnya, kunci kepada kenaikan berat badan ialah jumlah kalori dan zat yang korang consume setiap hari. Dan ya, kita mempunyai formula untuk kira berapa banyak kalori yang diperlukan  setiap hari untuk tambah berat badan berdasarkan faktor berat asal, tinggi, umur dan jantina.

    Jumlah kalori yang korang perlukan setiap hari boleh dikira menggunakan formula Mifflin-St Jeor untuk mengira Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) korang.

    RMR = 9.99w + 6.25s - 4.92a + 166g - 161

    • w = berat anda dalam kilogram
    • s = tinggi anda dalam sentimeter
    • a = umur anda dalam tahun
    • g = jantina anda (1 untuk lelaki, 0 untuk perempuan)
    Jumlah kalori yang anda perlukan untuk maintain berat anda sekarang ni ialah RMR x 1.15.

    So, kalau nak tambah berat, kene la make sure korang consume kalori lebih daripada jumlah tersebut; at least 300-500 kalori lebih daripada jumlah tersebut. Sekali makan nasik 3 senduk besar bersama lauk ayam mungkin boleh bagi dalam 400-500 kalori. 

    Aku dah cuba formula ni dan berjaya tambah berat badan sebanyak 5kg dalam masa 3 minggu. Apa yang diperlukan hanyalah "real food" dan "disiplin". Kalau korang makan 100 botol pringles setiap hari sampai muntah pun belum tentu boleh tambah berat. Sebaiknya makanlah nasik, ayam, telur dan segala jenis sumber protein dan kanji yang berkhasiat. Avoid makanan tak berkhasiat seperti jajan dan cikedis. Aku amalkan konsep "makan setiap masa" dimana kalau aku takde keje, aku makan buah-buahan, roti , soup, telur separuh masak etc. Meal berat 1 hari 3 kali kene jaga especially breakfast. Disamping tu aku amek supplement protein sbb aku buat intense workout kat gym (ni aku tak sarankan sangat sebab ada long term side effect)

    Sakit hati digelar "ikan bilis"? Sudah muak diejek "plywood"?
    Lakukan perubahan. Anda mampu mengubahnya.

    Monday, June 18, 2012

    Astro bagi percuma semua channel ?

    Kejadian tersebut bermula tiga hari lepas..
    Pada suatu malam, adik aku tiba-tiba buat announcement khas kategori pengumuman rasmi depan TV. Dengan gaya seperti guru besar sekolah rendah, beliau mengumumkan bahawasanya astro bagi tengok semua saluran secara percuma !!! Realitinya, pakcik aku bukanlah seorang CEO Astro yang mampu memberi access percuma semua saluran kepada kami sekeluarga atas dasar pertalian darah.

    Tetapi ini sememangnya satu kejuatan buat kami sekeluarga.. Pada mulanya, aku sangka rumah aku sorang je dapat siaran free, rupa-rupanya ramai lagi yang dapat jugak. Apesal Astro tetibe baik semacam je ni... Ke ada apa-apa agenda nih..

    Persetankan segala agenda propaganda mahupun drama swasta Astro.. Aku harap, Channel free ni akan berterusan sampai EURO 2012 tamat. Tak payah susah-susah aku nak start enjin kete gi mamak semata-mata nak tengok bola. Duit minyak je RM2, megi goreng RM3.50, teh ais RM1.20.. Jimat RM6.70 satu match woo.. (please do check my math).

    Kesimpulannya, find me on facebook HERE.

    P/S: Sorry conclusion takde kaitan dengan topik.

    Thursday, June 14, 2012

    Hilangnya Harapan menjadi seorang Tutor Physics SPM

    Sebenarnya aku pernah menjadi seorang tutor physics kat pusat tusyen after SPM dulu. Time tu, takdak pulak Cikgu tuan empunya tusyen tu mintak sijil kelayakan, surat beranak bagai, apatah lagi sijil kematian..

    Setelah aku tamat pengajian, dikala waktu aku tengah terdesak memerlukan keje part-time sebagai seorang tutor.., time tu la sijil SPM aku nak menghilangkan diri. Aku rasa sijil tu dah selamat kene makan dengan anai-anai. Anai-anai tu pun mungkin tak mempunyai usia yang panjang, lalu menghembuskan nafas terakhir dan disintegrate bersama particle-particle sijil SPM aku yang dah menjadi sebahagian daripada protein tubuh badan mereka.

    Yang bestnye, transcript degree aku major Mechanical Engineering dari top 10 engineering school Canada kalah dengan sijil SPM tuhh. Physics SPM tu aku boleh cover dalam masa 2 hari untuk jawab paper. Tapi sayang.., sijil SPM juga yang dicarik. Subjek advance physics yang aku amek time kat Canada kalah dengan physics SPM serta-merta....

    Walaupun aku dah merajuk dan taknak keje sebagai seorang tutor lagi, aku still nak dapatkan balik sijil salinan SPM aku. Kepada sesiapa yang hilang sijil SPM or PMR, boleh cepat-cepat berhenti menangis, dan naik teksi menuju ke alamat berikut:

    ARAS 1, 2, 5 - 13, BLOK E11, KOMPLEKS E,

    Kalau pakcik teksi tu tak tau jalan.., suruh pakcik tu dok belakang, biar korang je bawak teksi tu. Mungkin pakcik belum mampu beli GPS.

    P/s: Adakah keje 7 Eleven memerlukan sijil SPM?

    ada gaya tutor physics x ?

    Tuesday, June 12, 2012

    Dari Canada, kembali ke Malaysia

    It has been almost four years since I first came to Canada..
    Things went pretty good..

    Alam university dah habes, alam pengangguran datang dulu sebelum alam pekerjaan datang kemudian..
    Blog ni pun tak tau la berapa lama boleh survive..
    Mungkin aku ni bukan jenis yang 'expressive'.. Nak cite pasal kisah cinta, segan.. Nak cite pasal tragedi hidup, rasa malas pulak.. Nak cite pasal masak, blog dah cite semua..
    Which makes me think that I'd be better off without blog.. Tgk la camne..

    Target skang ni nak keje dgn oil and gas company, nak gaji cecah 8k sebelum umur cecah 28 tahun.. By umur 33, nak gaji 15k.. Seblom umur 40, gaji kene 20k+ at least..

    Anyhow, nothing beats experience..

    not so bad eyhh..

    Tuesday, May 22, 2012


    Agak-agak kalau buat contest bagi hadiah smartphone, orang nak tak?

    Monday, April 30, 2012

    What is Caliphate in Islam?

    What is Caliphate?

    The Caliphate is a state and government in Islam. The definition of Islam is submission to Allah.

    What is submission to Allah?

    Submission to Allah is submission to Allah as Al-Malik. In English dictionary we define Malik as “King”. But we are dealing with political terminology now. So Al-Malik is sovereign. Sovereignty belongs to Him. So, to submit to Allah in Islam is to submit to Allah who possesses sovereignty.

    To declare someone else possesses sovereignty is to say “goodbye” to Allah.

    To submit to Allah is to submit to Allah as Al-Akhbar and He reminds you that He is Al-Akhbar. Because every time you perform solah, you cannot move without Allahuakhbar.

    Al-Akhbar is the one who has supreme authority. And so, the Caliphate is a state and government which submits to Allah’s authority as supreme. For a muslim to submit to anyone else and recognize his authority as supreme is to say “goodbye” to Allahuakhbar.

    Islam is to submit to Allah as Al-Hakam. Al-Hakam is the Law giver. Not only He gives the Law, but the Law is the supreme Law. And when he makes something haram, it must be enforced as haram. When he makes something halal, it must be enforced as halal.

    And so, anyone who submits to any law other than Allah’s law as the supreme law has said “goodbye” to Allah as Al-Hakam.

    This is called Shirk.

    When Firaun declared that he is the one who possesses sovereign and possesses supreme authority with his law is the supreme law, that was Shirk. So Allah, punished him with terrible punishment.

    Caliphate is a state or system in government in which muslims could submit to Allah as Al-Malik, as Al-Akhbar, as Al-Hakam.

    Friday, April 27, 2012

    How Caliphate in Islam is Destroyed | Part 5

    Between 1914 and 1916, German submarines made a surprise appearance into warfare. It tip the scale on the sides of Germany and by 1916, Britain was in the verge of defeat. German submarines had surrounded and marooned the Island of Britain. The French government have fall and Germany occupied France. Britain was on her knees. These are the moments that the Jews were waiting for.

    Now, the check is going to talk.

    It was called financial diplomacy. The Jews (in German government) said, “let’s make a deal. We will intervene the war with massive financial assistance and bring that “dark horse” into the race”.

    But that “dark horse” don’t want to come into the race. American public opinion was overwhelmingly  against involvement in the war, and the most famous person of all that time is not the president; a man who setup assembly lines for producing motorcars, Henry Ford. He made motorcars accessible to ordinary people. He did not bother about the market wage. He concerns about paying a just wage. He paid his workers a higher wage than the market wage. As a result, he won the hearts of American people and became an American icon, and he totally oppose American involvement in the war.

    When the Jews went to the British government and offers a deal, they replied “deal”. And so, the money from Kimberley began to roll. The Jewish money enters into the war in massive way. The Jewish influence over media in the United States is now made to work and American public opinion is being brainwashed and slowly transformed until suddenly, to a consternation of Henry Ford and so many Americans; Franklin Roosevelt declares war and the United States was sent into the war.

    Britain with the new found wealth and with the assistance of the United States now has a new lease of life and now the war takes on in the direction the Jews wanted in the first place.

    If you want to destroy the Caliphate, you have to make sure that it cannot be restored. How can you take the entire world of Islam with so many Ulama’ and ensure not only the Caliphate is destroyed, but it cannot be restored?

    To be continued..

    Wednesday, April 25, 2012

    How Caliphate in Islam is Destroyed | Part 4

    To destroy Caliphate, you have to destroy the Ottoman Empire. You cannot use 5000 soldiers to do that. So, you need a World War. What do you do: you plan a conspiracy, and you stay behind so that your fingerprints are not in the crime. In other words, you plan “9-11” (another word for big lies).

    The attack took place in the summer of 1914 when the Grand Duke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated in Saravejo. In that time, there were 6 major powers in Europe, and there was one dark horse across the Atlantic. The 6 major powers are; Russia, France, Britain, Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Ottoman Islamic Empire.

    How can you bring a World War which will result in dismantling of Ottoman Islamic Empire? Good planning is the answer.

    When they killed Franz Ferdinand, they left footprints which lead to Russia. As on Semtember the 11th, they left footprints which lead to Al-Qaeda and Saudi Arabia.

    So, Austria-Hungary had no option but to declare war on Russia. But Britain and France already had a defense treaty with Russia. The Secretary of State of Foreign Minister in Britain was a Jew. So, Britain and France had to declare war in favour of Russia against Austria-Hungary. But Germany has same racial ties with Austria-Hungary and forced to enter the war with Austria-Hungary.

    Whoever planned the assassination has succeeded in bringing all these powers in Europe into a state of war.

    All is left now is what we called “the sick man of Europe”, Ottoman Islamic Empire. The Caliphate in Istanbul does not want to enter the war. He knows how weak the Ottoman army in Turkey in terms of military technology. But through internal intrigue within Istanbul, the Ottoman was forced to enter the war and the Russian ship in Bosphorus is used.

    Once the war started, that massive wealth which the jews had accumulated is now used strategically for the purpose of influencing the direction of war, to get the price that they want; to dismantle  and destroy Ottoman Islamic Empire and to cut off the head of Islam, namely the Caliphate.

    The next one is to liberate the Holy Land and to make it as their own…

    To be continued..

    How Caliphate in Islam is Destroyed | Part 3

    A child was playing in the village of Africa and the child found a big glittering stone. The child took it home and showed it to the parents. The parents took it to the chief of the tribe. Chief of the tribe took it to the white commissioner. The commissioner sent it to Capetown and concluded that, that was a huge diamond.

    The stage was now set when that diamond was discovered because now, we know where the diamonds are located. By this time, Britain is able to locate the diamond veins underneath the earth using advanced technology. And so, the Southern Africa becomes a big diamond and gold mines. One of them is Kimberley.

    They used a man named Cecil John Rhodes as a front man and they were able to manipulate and gain control over the diamonds. The bulk of the wealth which now emerges out of South Africa lands in the hands of the Jews.

    In 1914, the land of Kimberley mine was closed down because they have taken it all. Now they have the maximum wealth they could amass.  This is about 17 years after the Zionist movement is established. Now they are ready in 1914 to move to the next stage. The philosophical and political system is now already in place.

    And now; the military attack….

    To be continued..

    Tuesday, April 24, 2012

    How Caliphate in Islam is Destroyed | Part 2

    And so, what Europe did is to launch the philosophical and political attack before the military attack; to produce that which can replace Caliphate. They sent spies to infiltrate Istanbul and to create what we called the “Young Turks” in whose group was located a man named Mustafa Kemal, and brainwashed them into absorbing, imbibing and accepting the new political secularism which emerges out of Europe.

    Then came the actual military attack.

    In 1897,European who dressed up themselves in the clothing of Jews called the “European-Jews”, these people establish the Zionist movement. The stage was now set. The countdown has begun for the Jews to strike after waiting fo almost 2000 years; to achieve their objective of bringing back the Golden Age.

    Centuries before this, they had struck Europe and over a period of 300 to 400 years they have transformed Europe from a civilization based on faith in Christianity to a new godless civilization. Having done that, they are now ready to strike when they create the Zionist movement.

    Allah S.W.T unveils the mother of all signs for those who have eyes to see. But most of mankind, they have eyes but they don’t see. They have ears but they don’t hear. They have hearts but they don’t understand.

    What is the sign?

    The sign is the recovery of the body of Firaun. The body is discovered just about the time when the Zionist movement is established.

    At the same time, strange things happened to the European-Jews. They are not just making money through lending money on interest. They get a windfall . A mass amount of wealth now coming their way.

    The hadith was “Passing by a place in ruins, he will order it to take out its hidden treasure. The earth will immediately take out its hidden treasure. The earth will immediately take out its treasure and the treasure will literally follow him wherever he goes  like bees following the queen bee  (Nawwas-b-Samaan/Muslim)”.  Meaning that the earth will yield up its treasure to Dajjal..


    To be continued..

    How Caliphate in Islam is Destroyed | Part 1

    In Surah An-Nahl of the Quran, Allah sent down the Quran which might explain everything. So it might explain strange things when the Caliphate disappears and replaced by modern secular state. For a period of time, there is no Caliphate. In the Quran, there is guidance on how to respond when Caliphate no longer be there. The explanation and guidance comes from Allah as an act of rahmat. And for those who search, and find it, and accepted it, and embrace it; good news for them. They will understand the world that day which others cannot And they will respond to it while others cannot.

    The caliphate was destroyed.
    Who destroy it?
    Why did they destroy it?
    How did they destroy it?
    When did they destroy it?

    These are awesomely important questions which very few can answer today.

    The Jews (not all Jews) had in their heart and they still have it to this day, this conviction that it is their destiny even after Allah SWT had expelled them from the holy land, even after they have lived in wilderness for 2000 years; it is a conviction in the heart of the Jews that it is their destiny to liberate the Holy Land, and return to the Holy Land not as tourists, but to reclaim it as their own. For 2000 years the Jews had this conviction in their heart. One day, this will happen; to restore the Holy Land as the state of Israel of Nabi Daud Alaihissalam and Nabi Sulaiman Alaihissalam. And the Golden Age will come back one more time, when the state of Israel was the ruling state in the world.
     When the state of Israel is restored, it will eventually become the ruling state in the world. These are the conviction of the Jews.
     Who liberates the Holy Land in 1919 and brings back the Jewish to the land to reclaim it as their own bewtween 1919 and 1948? Who restores the state of Israel I the Holy Land in 1948? And convinces the “one eyed” Jews that the state of Israel of Nabi Daud and Nabis Sulaiman? But of course it is not. It is an imposter but they accepted it, and they embrace it.
     Israel is about to become the ruling state in the world replacing the United States of America. If this is to be accomplished and the Golden Age is to return one more time, and they are to rule the world; how will they do it?

    First, they will need globalization to bring all mankind together as one global society.
    They also need to demolish the Ottoman Islamic Empire which stands in their way.
    And they will have to demolish the institution of the Caliphate which is the HEAD of Islam. Because if you can cut off the head, you can paralyze the body.

    So, the attack is launched to cut off the head of Caliphate. It begins as a philosophical attack. You use an epistemolgy; that knowledge only comes from external observation and rational inquiry to take mankind to materialism, that there is no reality beyond material reality.
     After that, you apply that to political thought and out of philosophical materialism, emerges a new political philosophy .

    What does it say?

    Since there is no reality beyond material reality, we can no longer collectively recognize sovereignty up there. So sovereignty must now be relocated down here. The people are now sovereign, no longer Allah SWT.

    The people constitute the state and they located the sovereignty in the state. So, the state is sovereign.
    This is a European creation. It did not come out of the world of Islam. Not only the state is sovereign, but the authority of the state is supreme. It is now, the state which makes the law, and the law of the state is the highest law. More than that, they legalized what Allah makes haram. That is what Europe proceeded to do. Everything that Allah made haram, they make it halal. There is nothing left now.
    To be continued..

    Tuesday, April 10, 2012

    Can ‘Islamic’ Democracy work?

    A major assumption is that if we were to have a democracy in a majority Muslim country, that country will have to implement Islam because the people would demand it – and the Muslim people would never go against the will of Allah, would they? (note sarcasm).

    Apart from the usual major fallacies of democracy e.g. non-representation, public unable to conceive of wider picture, hypocrisy of leaders and control by the wealthy – to name but a few; how would a ‘islamic’ democracy deliver morality and Islamic rights, when it is based upon self-interest?

    Democracy works based upon self-interested people banding together and seeking to vote in someone who will represent those interests. Such a system is prone to factionalism, infighting, discontent on minorities and a general self-centred attitude to approaching politics in society. It matters not how good your morals are, because secularism WILL separate your morals from any real possibility of feasible practical implementation. That why people say, if you want to have a clean conscious, you don’t go into politics. Take Indonesia for example, there already exists factionalism and infighting in it – and that is because of democracy. Some minorities are so tired of having their interests ignored by the majority, they want to separate themselves so that they become a majority in their own country!

    And finally, if we are actually concerned about establishing the will of God, in regards to politics, why not just establish the sharia law directly and not gamble on the hope that the self-interested groups in the population will do the right thing and not just the most convenient thing (which they usually tend to do, if left to themselves)?

    In the end, the Western world is developed because they came to an agreement that it is in the common (self) interest to use technology to make life more enjoyable (and convenient). As Muslims, if we want to get as developed (if not more), we should rediscover our original motivation that caused us to develop – the worship of Allah (swt) and the never ending striving for the absolute perfection of His (swt) pleasure.


    Monday, April 9, 2012

    Live it

    And whoever fears Allah - He will make for him a way outAnd will provide for him from where he does not expect. And whoever relies upon Allah - then He is sufficient for him. Indeed, Allah will accomplish His purpose. Allah has already set for everything a decreed extent. [65: 2-3]

    Wednesday, April 4, 2012

    Universal Shirk | Rasa boleh masuk syurga? Think again..

    how can you recognize a black ant, on a black stone, on a dark night.. ?
    Since 1924, sistem khilafah dah dipupuskan..
    Replaced by so called "modern secular state"
    Based on the foundation of shirk..
    Because according to them, sovereign belongs to the state, not Allah..

    The only people who are able to recognize that we now live a world of shirk are the ones who see with  Nur from Allah..

    Not us, not even close..

    Adalah sesuatu yang bodoh apabila mana-mana muslim mengatakan yang dia tak mampu buat apa-apa atas dasar kuasa yang takluk dunia sekarang ni terlalu besar untuk kita pulihkan kembali sistem khilafah.. Alasan untuk senyap dan buat tak tahu.

    Dakwah has already been enforced.. Don't stop.. Start learning.. Or at least, start having a little bit of interest TO KNOW what happened to your muslim brothers and sisters in Syria, Palestine etc..

    Think you can survive once you enter your grave, and gain Jannah? Don't be such a fool..Think again..

    P/S: One must recite Quran everyday to get Nur..

    Thursday, March 29, 2012

    Video Tutorial Nasik Ayam

    Tutorial main-main..

    Friday, March 16, 2012

    Libya Case: Why did Russia and China support the UN Security Council resolution

    By Syeikh Imran N. Hosein

    There remains one part of this puzzle which defies explanation. Why did Russia and China support the UN Security Council resolution which permitted NATO military intervention in Libya? Were these two States really that dumb that they could not foresee the consequences of their support for the resolution? Or is there more to this than meets the eye?

    Russia and China are well aware that the Zionist West is obsessed with the completely irrational goal of delivering to Israel the rule over the whole world. I believe that they are also both well aware that the Zionist 9/11 false-flag attack on America was meant to facilitate the launching of wars that would reduce the Arab and Muslim worlds into a state of submission to Israel. The Islamic eschatological explanation for the pursuit of that irrational goal was provided in my book entitled ‘Jerusalem in the Qur’an’.

    That obsession has caused the Zionists to lose the capacity for rational strategic thought. Russia and China are not only both nuclear-armed, but are also both proud nations that would never submit to Jewish Israeli ruleover them. The Zionists can neither intimidate Russia and China, nor can they succeed in bribing them into submission. The suspiciously clumsy Zionist effort made in Georgia in 2008 at the height of the American presidential election campaign to bait Russia on John Mc Cain’s behalf ended in embarrassing failure. Let us not forget that Putin gave the Zionists a bloody nose in Georgia and in so doing also gave notice of how Russia will respond the next time around.

    It seems to me that the Russian and Chinese refusal to veto the Security Council’s resolution concerning Libya was no accident. Rather I want to suggest that Russia and China decided, coldly and deliberately, to sacrifice Libya. As a consequence there was no obstacle delaying or preventing Russian recognition of the post Gadhafi government. If I am correct, then that deliberate sacrifice provides startling new evidence, like nothing else ever before, of their long-term strategic planning of allowing NATO to be sucked even deeper into what will eventually become a Middle East quagmire (i.e., a military grave-yard or cemetery) from which there will be no escape for NATO. Perhaps the Russian strategy is to wait until NATO is in the most vulnerable military position before it launches its attack. When Russia does attack, that will be the war of Gog and Magog which Christian and Jewish scholarships have both been grappling to understand, and which only Islamic scholarship can accurately explain.


    P/s: Vladimir Putin is one badass

    Saturday, March 10, 2012

    WORLD MUSLIM CONGRESS –As an alternative to the Caliphate?

    By R. Upadhyay

    Ever since the abolition of the institution of Caliphate in March 1924 followed by the conquest of Hijaj by Najdi king Abdul Aziz bin Abdul Rahman alias Ibn Saud (1876-1953) whose successive descendents are continuously ruling over this territory, the legitimacy of Saudi rule over this heartland of Islam has become a debatable issue within a significant section of Sunni Muslim Islamic scholars.

    These scholars argue that the concept of separate nation-state building was contrary to the Islamic principle of a single Muslim nation of Ummah (Entire Muslim Community) which functioned for about 1300 years after the death of Prophet Mohammad in 632 AD under the single rule of a Caliph. They allege that Ibn Saud, the founder of Saudi Arabia as an independent sovereign nation-state followed the western system of nation-state building and established a new concept of Islamic Public Order as an alternative to the Caliphate and therefore committed a crime against Islam which does not permit separate Islamic governments in the frame- work of different nation-states.

    Ignoring this argument, successive Saudi monarchs have been proceeding on the assumption that their dynastic monarchy was legitimised by the World Muslim Congress (WMC) as back as in 1926 when Ibn Saud had declared himself as the King of Hijaj. Although, the discovery of huge oil wealth in the kingdom in late 1930s empowered them in silencing the Muslim world to a great extent and becoming complacent on this issue, the Sunni Muslims by and large have still not overcome from their persistent attachment to the political concepts of a united Islam headed by a Caliph even after the abolition of the Caliphate by Mustafa Kamal Ataturk, the founder president of the Republic of Turkey. They still believe that revival of the Caliphate is the only solution to their problem.

    As the Muslim history goes, ever since the emergence of the first Saudi-Wahhabi state from an alliance (1744 AD) between Mohammad Bin Saud, the ruler of Diraiyah in Najd province of Arabian Peninsula and a Najdi preacher Mohammad Bin Abdul Wahhab, the Saudi-Wahhabi alliance continued with their efforts to bring the different regions of entire Arabian Peninsula under the Najdi rule to be headed by the leader of Saudi clan.

    This alliance conquered much of the Arabian peninsula in the first two decades of nineteenth century but were driven away by the army of Ottoman Caliphate. Later, when Abdul Aziz took over the command of the alliance in 1882, he re-conquered his family’s ancestral home city of Riyadh in 1902, consolidated his control over the Nejd province in 1922 and also conquered the province of Hijaj in 1925 thus ending the 700 years Hashimite tutelage of Islam’s holiest territories.

    Since the control over the caliphate was linked with simultaneous possession of the Hijaj province of Arabian Peninsula which is blessed with its two holiest shrines of Islam in the cities of Mecca and Medina and was a symbol of primacy over the Muslim world, different Arab war lords conquered this province and assumed the title of Caliph.

    However, even though the Saudi King conquered this province after the abolition of the Caliphate, he did not want to take a chance of a repetition of the catastrophic history of Saudi-Wahhabi alliance in the early decades of nineteenth century when they were not only driven out of this province by the army led by Ottoman appointed Governor of Egypt Mohammad Ali in 1813 AD but the then Saudi capital Diraiyah also surrendered to the Ottoman in 1818 AD.

    Abdullah the then head of the Al Saud was captured and later executed. Abdul Aziz was fully aware then that the Muslim world would not accept him as a new Caliph not only due to the Saudi-Wahhabi alliance but also because of the history of becoming a party to the British conspiracy for abolition of the institution of Caliphate. His support to the anti-Islamic Christian power against the united Islamic institution of Caliphate which led to its abolition was viewed as anti-Islam by the Muslim World.

    He was even scared of the possibility of the Muslim world coming together and appoint a Caliph that would be a grave threat to the Saudi-Wahhabi rule over Hijaj. Accordingly, he proceeded with extra caution and did not declare himself as Caliph. Instead he assumed the title of the king of Hijaj in January 1926 even though it was disliked by the Wahhabis.

    The Wahhabis believed that there was no provision for king or monarch in traditional Islam. However, despite some initial reservation, the people of Hijaj who were proud of their descent from the clan of Prophet and thereby considered the non-Hijaji Arabs as inferior to them - were left with no option but to accept a Najdi as their king due to his sword power.

    Against the backdrop of his political design, when the Saudi king came to know about the initiative of Al Azhar in Egypt to hold the Caliphate Congress in Cairo in May 1926, he took it as an impending danger to his control over Hijaj and therefore, decided to float some organisation as an alternative to the Caliphate. His strategy was to divert the attention of the Muslim World from the issue of Caliphate and to establish a new system of Islamic Public order as an alternative to it although it was a total negation of the concept of single Islamic polity. He therefore quickly arranged to host an assemblage of prominent Islamic scholars of the world in Mecca during the month of ensuing Hajj pilgrimage just two months after the Cairo Congress, that is in the month of July. It was his well calculated move that the leaders of Muslim world may not like to attend the two meets within two months and would prefer to perform Hajj as well as attend the meeting in Mecca.

    Naming this Mecca gathering as Motamar al-Alam al-Islami (World Muslim Congress) he attempted to bury the classical Islamic Public Order of Caliphate, followed the new system of Islamic nation-state within the framework of a new intra-national Islamic Order and would seek recognition of his rule over Hijaj, the cradle of Islam.(The Caliphate the Hijaj and the Saudi-Wahhabi State by Imran N Hosein).

    As expected, while the Cairo Congress failed to take any decision over the revival of Caliphate due to poor attendance, the Mecca Congress, the largely attended assembly of prominent Islamic personalities of the world did not discuss the issue of Caliphate as it was not included in its agenda. Even Khilafat committee members from India like Maulana Mohammad Ali, his brother Maulana Saukat Ali and others who were delegates in this Congress did not raise this issue..

    Inspired with the western concept of the institution of national state, the Saudi ruler of Hijaj projected himself to the participants in Mecca Congress as a true servant of the holiest Islamic territories, promised to restore authentic Islam in Arabian Peninsula and also tried to convince them that the new system under the guidance of the WMC would maintain the unity and solidarity of the Ummah within the larger space of the newly acquired nation-states.

    Traditionally, Islam did not permit any innovation (bida) like the concept of separate nation-state building and as such Ibn Saud’s assumption as the king of Hijaj and formation of an international political forum like WMC were un-Islamic. It was in fact not only an imitation of the western concept of nation-state building but also a British-planned political strategy to divide the single Islamic nation under the single rule of Caliph into various independent Islamic states for strategic reason. It was even against the basic governing principle of Saudi-Wahhabi rule which was based on Hanbali school of Islam propagating to root out any bida (innovation) from Islam.

    The Saudi-Wahhabi alliance was so particular against the concept of bida in Islam that they even perceived the cult of saints (Sufism) as un-Islamic innovation and was determined to root it out from Islam (Encyclopaedia of Islam –Lieden Brill, 1997 vol. IX, page 903).

    The Mecca-meet which finally turned into the formation of World Muslim Congress
    as an intra-national Islamic organisation within a system of sovereign Islamic nation-states and as an alternative route to the unity of Muslims other than Caliphate was the shrewd design to divert the attention of the Islamic world from the issue of reviving the Caliphate which started functioning after the death of Prophet Mohammad and continued till its abolition as a representative head of Ummah (Entire Muslim community as one nation).

    Since there is no concept of different Islamic nation-states for different geo-political regions, the move of the Saudi king was considered by some as un-Islamic as it was a deviation from the classical Islam. Whether, this organisation was a replica of the Caliphate or its re-incarnation was not defined in the Congress except that it was a permanent international Islamic organization to promote solidarity and cooperation among the global Islamic community. Since there is no mention of such type of organisation in Islamic scriptures, it failed to be recognised as an institution for creating a new Islamic public order (Darul Islam).

    After the failure of the Caliphate Congress in Cairo, the Sunni Muslim World might have expected some concrete outcome on the revival of Caliphate during Mecca Congress but the shrewd Saudi king played his game with his Saudi-Wahhabi rule over Hijaj in such a clever manner that there was no call for a single leadership of Ummah in the Congress.

    Discussing uncalled for issues like ‘foreign intervention’ in the land of Islam, maintenance of the holiest shrines and security of the Hajj pilgrims, he kept the real issue of the single leadership of Ummah in the back burner and paved his way for building a Saudi-Wahhabi nation state by following the western concept of nation-state building and thereby burying the Islamic tradition of a single Islamic state propounded by Prophet Mohammad. Since the Congress did not take any important decision, many participants particularly from India who had launched an aggressive movement against the abolition of Caliphate returned disappointed.

    Though, the participants agreed that the WMC will meet yearly in Mecca, the Saudi king never convened it again as the disappointed participants were very angry over the intriguing politics of the Saudi-Wahhabi alliance during the Congress.

    A third attempt for revival of Caliphate was also made at the initiative of Indian Islamic theologians like Maulana Saukat Ali and Allama Iqbal by holding General Islamic Conference in Jerusalem in the month of December 1931. However, it too failed to come to any desirable decision on Caliphate like the earlier two congresses in 1926. Taking advantage of the failure of even the third Islamic meet, Ibn Saud who had already become master of nearly the whole of Arabian Peninsula declared it as an independent Saudi-Wahhabi nation state named as kingdom of Saudi Arabia in 1932 which was immediately recognised by the British. After long years of over two decades, Pakistan also organised World Muslim Congress in 1949 but it had nothing to do with the three Islamic meets held earlier in Cairo, Mecca and Jerusalem.

    Sunni Muslim World still believes that the abolition of the Caliphate was a result of the conspiracy hatched by the British but they hardly pay any attention to the role of Saudi Monarchy that acted as willing accomplices to that conspiracy.

    Today the Ummah is divided into 57 Islamic Nation- states.

    The WMC in 1926 did not adopt any resolution to legitimize the Saudi rule in Hijaj and the Muslim world too is silent on this issue after the third General Islamic Conference in Jerusalem in 1931. However, in view of the continuous ascendancy of the House of Saud and its control over the two holiest cities of Islam since 1925, it seems to be highly unlikely that there would be the revival of the institution of Caliphate. This shows the strategic success of Ibn Saud in diverting the attention of Muslim World from the issue of Caliphate by transforming the traditional system of Islamic governance into a new system of Islamic Public order.

    Please take your time for this =)